WARNING: The following letter is NOT for everyone, it is only for those individuals that are serious about learning how to successfully advertise on the internet for the long run! Advertising and becoming an internet marketer is supposed to be the absolute easiest and effortless way to start making money on the internet so why […]
Expert Authority Academy
From: Justin Devonshire, International Trainer & Speaker, Leading Business & Marketing Expert for Coaches & Expert Service Professionals
Are you worried that you won’t make enough money from your coaching business… and have to go back to a ‘normal job’?
Do you wish you had higher-quality clients who would take your advice and pay you what you’re worth?
The truth is 90%+ of coaches & experts struggle to make a sustainable, predictable income. So, you’re not alone.
And that upsets me, because I’ve met many coaches who are great at what they do, and desperately want to help people transform their lives.
But it doesn’t matter how good of a coach, consultant or expert you are… if nobody knows who you are!
These struggling coaches and experts take more and more certifications, hoping that will bring them more recognition and clients.
Coaching schools show you how to be an effective coach but they do NOT give you any marketing or business knowledge so you can make this into a real career.
Upset seeing the people spend their money on fads & gimmicks – or worse – paying to work with coaches with very little passion or experience.
You’re worried about the explosion of new coaches in the industry and how it’ll affect your income (the coaching industry is set to grow by another 83% by 2018…)
You’re sick of seeing people suffering with poor relationships, low confidence, depression, poor health or struggling in thier career – people you KNOW you can help with your coaching or consulting services.
And your passion for coaching and helping people is being tested a little right now. It’s not what you thought it would be.
Under-charged for my services and felt I was ripping myself off. Wishing I could charge the higher prices but didn’t have the confidence.
I almost gave up being a coach altogether to find a normal 9-5 job – which I swore I would never do…
I created a 6-figure income (€8,000 per month) from coaching, seminars and products within 6 months.
I did that whilst working just 12 hours a week – and spending my free time living life and finding fulfillment.
I then started business workshops to show other coaches, experts, consultants, speakers and authors how they could do the same.
I’ve spoken at over 50 live events on business & client-attraction in several countries, including the United Kingdom, United States, Cyprus and Romania.
I’ve created a consulting & mentoring business which has helped other coaches to grow their income to from zero to €8,000 per month – within 90 days.
I’ve helped coaches and experts in all industries (life, confidence, health, relationships etc.) in countries all across the world.
I’ve opened another coaching / training business in Europe which generates over €25,000 per month, and we have 4 coaches working for us (all within 6 months of opening).
And now I personally consult some of the worlds’ leading 7 and 8-figure-earning coaches and speakers on how to fill live events, and dominate their niche.
The question you may be wondering is… how the heck can I replicate this over and over again – even in countries where nobody has even heard of me?
I figured out that my income, my freedom and my fulfillment in business was down to ONE THING… Expert Authoritytm Positioning.
I realized I had to dedicate myself to learning the art and science of creating what I call Expert Authority Positioning.
Many coaches are like a walking encyclopedia but still have no income. That’s because you need to be able to communicate with your market in a way that they understand and relate to.
The "authority" is that one expert who is well-known, respected, and appears to be ‘seen everywhere’.
When you put these together and you are seen as the Expert Authority you immediately stand out as the number #1 person people seek out…
It’s a process that can be manufactured for any coach or expert who has a real passion for helping people.
How could I become such a hit with my market and be an in-demand speaker – even though I was still new to coaching and nobody knew me a few months earlier?!
That’s when I studied everything I had done. And the SYSTEM appeared to me. I had followed certain rules, or ‘laws’ that positioned me as the Expert Authority to dominate my market quickly and almost effortlessly.
Clients were desperate to work with. For the first time I now had a waiting list and was FORCED to put my fees up!
With this new positioning, I finally lived life on my terms, earned the money I really deserved, and enjoy freedom whilst helping people transform their lives.
And they were most angry about new coaches with NO skills, NO passion and NO experience coming into the market and undercutting them.
The coaches and experts who’ve gained my help knew they had to transform their small coaching business into one that gave them a predictable income, with low stress, lots of free time…
The best part is, it doesn’t matter if you do 1-1 coaching, group training, workshops, or you want to build an online passive income stream with your knowledge…
Sure they invest in more and more coaching certifications. But usually that’s out of fear and staying in their comfort zone, isn’t it?
We can ‘hide’ behind a new coaching, or advanced psychology course we’re doing and say that we’ll focus on the business ‘later’.
The truth is, your income will ONLY increase when you invest in your business and your marketing to be seen as the Expert Authority in your area.
They don’t have the guts to be themselves, so they end up looking the same as every other coach in thier industry.
They’re too busy getting into arguments with other coaches on Facebook that they convince themselves they’re busy…
These coaches may ‘look’ all happy and successful on their profile… but in reality their lifestyle, bank account and…