Lead generation and list building is the most reliable way to make money online . . . and the Lead Science system is the only guaranteed way to build your list with people actually looking for what you are offering. Better yet, you can actually get paid to build a list!
Whether you are interested in shoving a few extra dollars in your pocket or if you have an established offline business looking to multiply your profits online, this article reveals powerful shortcuts and techniques you need to succeed quickly and easily. If you would like to discover over 100 ways to build your list for free, enter your name and email in the form below the video. Watch the video or read the article to discover how you can actually get paid to build your list!
If you are just starting out and don’t have a product or service to sell, I will show you how to make money without a product below, but for now, let’s assume you have something to sell.
Typically, people don’t buy anything from you until they are familiar with you and trust you. Statistically, they need to see or hear from you 7 times before they will buy from you. There are exceptions, of course, which we will cover in a moment.
Did you even think about going to Universal Studios or maybe Disney’s web site? . . . Probably not . . . Why?
Maybe you prefer to shop at Target with low prices and an upscale atmosphere. Or maybe you are used to getting the best prices and convenience of Amazon.com with free shipping as a Prime member.
Maybe you didn’t know you could . . . or maybe you aren’t convinced Vudu or UltraViolet will be around from now on, and your purchase might disappear in a year or two. That is a trust issue.
The point is the sources that first pop into your head are familiar; you trust them; and these stores are generally your first choice.
There are generally two cases where you might buy something you just saw for the first time on an unknown web site:
1. You are desperate. You have searing pain, are scared or embarrassed, or you are up against a serious deadline and need it now!
Even in these situations, you might look around first for a review about the site, or get their newsletter and see how they perform before you buy. They need to gain your trust.
There is one other way you might buy the first time you come across a new vendor. If the web site looks professional and offers quality information and a ton of bonuses or other benefits you won’t get anywhere else.
5 ways are covered in the video, but one answer is to build a list of potential customers and regularly communicate with everyone who indicates they are interested enough to join your list.
A popular way to advertise online is with Solo Ads where you pay someone to send your offer to their list. This can work well, because their readers are already familiar with the list owner, and the list owner is referring you and your offer to his subscribers. This is known as a third-party endorsement.
If you try to sell directly from the Solo Ad, you only get one shot; they either buy or they don’t . . . and then they are gone.
Every time you interact with a potential customer . . . whether via email, on the phone, or with a web site . . . you need to think about creating trust.
As discussed below, you can use your list to make money in lots of different ways, but the key is to make future offers to your list. Using a balance of relationship building, providing useful or entertaining information, and mixing in offers over time is how you make money once you have your list. Obviously, not everyone will buy every offer, but most of the people on your list will buy from time to time if you balance those three aspects.
You simply send a broadcast email to your entire list when you have a relevant, high-quality offer. and many of them will buy within 24 hours. In fact, the industry average for making money with an email list is $1 per month per lead.
Now, that is just the industry average. I will show you techniques to do even better than that in a moment.
In fact, I will show you over 100 ways to generate leads when you click here. You will also get a comprehensive List Building report for free, so go ahead and enter your name and email now if you haven’t already.
As explained in the video, there are advantages and disadvantages to using free techniques and paid advertising techniques to build your list, but. . .
The people who subscribe to your list using the Lead Science method are NOT getting paid to sign up or to click on anything.
To absolutely ensure your success, Lead Science even includes my Done For You campaign that lets you earn while you learn. It even includes an option to build a huge monthly income on complete autopilot while providing you unlimited advertising worldwide across the Internet.
1. I am going to give you a LOT of bonus material that will increase your profits and conversion ratio.
2. I don’t want you to get bogged down in trying to learn everything before you do anything.
You will watch the first 3 or 4 videos and then spend about 10 minutes implementing my Done For You program. Then you can continue going through all the bonuses to increase your profits while the Done For You program is building your list and making you money.
Now you understand why list building and lead generation techniques are important, and you can see how easy it will be to stuff your pockets with cash.
As the number of daily emails in your prospects’ inbox grows, people are less and less likely to jump on…
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