Tag Archives: Pomy Blue

Step By Step Guide To Earn Money Online As Amazon Associate By Making Niche Websites

Updated on: 02 February, 2015
An exact blueprint and step by step guide for beginners who want to earn passive income online. This is the same method that I am using personally to earn $3000-$5000 per month as Amazon Associate. Anyone without any technical knowledge can follow this guide to earn affiliate commissions. This book will guide you through all steps starting from making free amazon account, creating website, writing reviews and getting your monthly checks.

The idea is to make small niche websites of 50 pages based on Amazon products reviews. Each of these small websites can earn $10-15 per day. I will work with you to make your first such website in this guide. Once you are successful with your first website, you just need to repeat, make new websites on new topics and increase your per day earnings.
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