Anyone Can Self Publish : Make money at home with this step by step guide: From Idea to Marketing ~ All the Basics You Need to Get started
Included in this book are the absolute basics you should know to successfully publish a non-fiction book. You can do everything here for free without having to outsource to expensive professionals and if you do have a little money to spend there is advice here on how to get the most out of your money.
When I decided in early 2012 to write a guide about my experience with composting and running a successful wormery I knew very little about the process so I went in blind. I did it, the only problem was, my guide was only selling about 2 copies a month if I was lucky.
What I did next was LEARN! I read every book on the subject of self-publishing I could and I’m glad I did. Soon my sales were soaring using the tweaks I've written about in this guide.
I’m going to give you all the knowledge I have garnered over the last couple of years from the idea stage to online-marketing the finished product, in just ONE book!
This is what I will be covering –
• Ideas
• Planning
• Writing
• Editing
• Book cover
• Publishing
o Amazon
o Smashwords
• Marketing
o Amazon
o Facebook