Tag Archives: ebook

E-Mail Marketing: Der Wegweiser zum Online Profit (German Edition)

Lernen Sie Email Marketing! Es ist der effizienteste Weg, um mit Ihren Interessenten und Kunden in Kontakt zu bleiben. Und Ihren Namen im Internet bekannt zu machen.

So ein Email Newsletter ist ein grandioser Weg, um mit Ihren Kunden und Interessenten regelmäßig in Verbindung zu bleiben. Und macht Sie und Ihren Namen im Netz positiv bekannt. Ihre Abonennten werden sich an Sie erinnern, sobald sie die Dinge benötigen, die Sie anbieten. Und das Beste dabei – sie werden Ihren Namen weitergeben.
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EMAIL MARKETING: Estrategias de Éxito (Spanish Edition)

Cuando se lleva a cabo de forma estratégica, el email marketing le permite alcanzar sus objetivos: la notoriedad de su marca, su reputación y, por supuesto, su rentabilidad. La tendencia actual es considerar el email marketing como una herramienta eficaz para gestionar las relaciones con los clientes.

El email marketing es una herramienta poderosa, pero necesita de un alto grado de dedicación, esfuerzo y, principalmente, requiere que se conozca al detalle para poder así extraer todo su potencial. Este libro está dirigido a todos los profesionales que deseen comunicarse de forma pertinente y personalizada por correo electrónico con sus clientes; que deseen establecer una estrecha y duradera relación con ellos y, sobre todo, que pretendan conocerlos mejor.

Email Marketing: Cómo Conseguir Mil Suscriptores al Mes (Spanish Edition)

El email marketing es la herramienta más poderosa hoy en día para convertir prospectos en clientes que compren una y otra vez a través del tiempo. Si lo que que quieres es vender más, es momento de empezar a conseguir prospectos en tu lista de suscriptores y empezar a convertirlos en clientes.

Este libro te enseñará las formas más sencillas de conseguir suscriptores que están interesados en tus productos y servicios. Si aplicas las técnicas que te revelo, podrás conseguir más fácil suscriptores y hacer más rentable tu negocio.
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99+ Best Free Internet Marketing Tools And Resources To Boost Your Online Marketing Efforts (SEO Tools, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Content … (Smart Entrepreneur Guides! Book 2)

99+ Best Free Internet Marketing Tools And Resources To Boost Your Online Marketing Efforts

Updated with more tools and a special BONUS.
The “build it they’ll come” strategy doesn’t work anymore. In fact, more than 60 percent of the businesses plan to invest heavily into marketing in 2016, leaving a tough challenge to the ones on a low budget. But don’t worry; this book includes an incredible list of FREE internet marketing tools.
Well, do you really need tools for your internet marketing efforts?
I’d love to answer that question anytime – Aren’t shortcuts just the best?
I’ve been into internet marketing for many years now. All through these years I’ve tried hundreds of tools, few were pathetic but most of them did their job. So what you’re going to get from this book is an “ultimate” list of the best free internet marketing tools, that I’ve tried myself.
Why 99+ why not just 99 tools?
When I started writing this book I actually had this in my mind to give you 99 tools. But in the due course I didn’t count the number and I ended up with around 110 tools on the list. Well, I didn’t want to remove the extra tools thinking that you might find those additional tools handy. That’s the reason “99+” in the title.
Let me also tell you that there are no affiliate links placed in the book or neither any of the tools is a sponsored placement.
I’ve included two bonus modules as well.
Bonus #1: Top Paid Internet Marketing tools. Though this book completely focuses on free tools, it’s pretty certain that at some point in time you’d want to go for Pro and enterprise level featured tools. Use this module as a reference guide.
Bonus #2: Free Stock Image Resources plus Resources to 250,000+ Free Icons. Now, this is a killer! You can download high resolution images and vector icons for your projects (both personal and commercial).
Who is this book for?
This book is for everyone who’s striving to make a strong impression in this noisy digital world.
There’s something’s in for:-
– Blogging
– Graphic Design
– Keyword Research and Monitoring
– SEO Tools
– Link Building
– Kindle/E-Book writer
– Lead Generation
– Social Media Marketing
– Content Marketing
– Email Marketing
– Video Marketing
– Affiliate Marketing
– Pay Per Click (PPC)
– Competitor Research and Monitoring
– And More…

The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing: Grow Your List, Break the Rules, and Win (Que Biz-Tech)

A No-Nonsense, Take-No-Prisoners Plan for Earning Positive Return on Your Email Marketing!

“They” say email is dead. Baloney! 94% of Americans use email. Passionate social networkers use email more, not less. Mobile email is huge. Email offers marketers more opportunities than ever…opportunities to guide customers from consideration and trial to repeat purchase, loyalty, even advocacy! But email has changed. Email users have changed. To get breakthrough results, you must break the rules! Whether you’re B2B or B2C, Fortune 500 or startup, this is a complete no-nonsense plan for transforming your email marketing. Discover radically better ways to handle every facet of your campaign: lists, From names, Subject lines, calls to action, social network integration…everything!
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Email Marketing Madness!: How To Compel Your Subscribers to Open Your Emails And Take Action Now

Opened or not opened.

The results from every email mini-course, every email newsletter, every autoresponder message, every solo mailing … I.E. Any email you send … are completely at the mercy of that singular set of two options.
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Master the Essentials of Email Marketing Analytics: The journey from inbox placement to conversion

Marketers globally rate email marketing as the most powerful online marketing strategy and the one which delivers the best return on investment (ROI).

Email marketing has the lowest cost per acquisition. In other words, it is very cheap to acquire and retain customers through emails compared to other marketing channels.
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MASTERING ONLINE MARKETING – Create business success through content marketing, lead generation, and marketing automation.: Learn email marketing, search … and Entrepreneurship Series Book 1)

Mastering Online Marketing is the most comprehensive and up-to-date book available on advanced web marketing. It reveals the secrets that can help take your Internet marketing to a new level.

Hundreds of books have been published on online marketing, so what makes this one special? Whether you are new to the subject and looking for a comprehensive overview, or are familiar with the concepts but want to get more from your marketing efforts, with this book, you will learn state-of-the-art techniques and get actionable and practical knowledge to set up an efficient online marketing system to support and improve your business.
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